ConnectGo 9 Port Ring Connector, Connectable
Buy ConnectGo 9 Port Ring Connector, Convert Your ConnectGo Cable to 9 Connectable Ports, Outdoor PVC Cable, Best Prices, Great Reviews, Free UK Delivery
This 9 port cable connector accessory has been manufactured specifically for the cutting edge ConnectGo range, which boasts impressive versatility in its interchangeable power sources.
This ring accessory is used to convert a single strand of strings lights into a multiple strand effect and is made using durable PVC cable.
Ideal Accessory For Trees & Lighting Displays
This is ideal when fixing lights on a tree or a post to give a stunning effect.
The number of rings chosen depends on your existing power source. Available in Black, White or Clear (depending on stock)
Small 31V transformer = Up to 600 LEDs
Medium 31V transformer = Up to 1,600 LEDs
Large 31V transformer = Up to 4,000 LEDs (1,000 from each port)
Solar Panel = Up to 200 LEDs
Standard string lights join end to end like a daisy chain but, when they are used with the ring connector, they can be dispersed in different directions.
The preferred choice for both indoor and prolonged outdoor displays, our superior quality ConnectGo range has unlimited uses and come with our market leading 2 year anti-rust guarantee.
The connector is 10cm has one input port and 9 output ports.
Note: multiple accessories can be added together depending on the power source.
Simply Connect the strings together with the plugs built on to the end of the strings then connect them to your power source or to your existing ConnectGo string lights.